
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

How do multiplayer games really work?

I was curious how multiplayer games actually worked and I decided to do a deep dive to learn about game networking techniques.  I found that different strategies are used depending on the type of game.

All of these methods are very well known and available across the internet, so I'll just summarize them below.

Some notable links which helped me on the subject:

Deterministic Lockstep

Games with a very large game state (impractical to send over the network) and a reasonable number of players can be implemented using deterministic lockstep.  In this implementation each client runs a deterministic local simulation in lockstep with all players in the game.  When the simulation advances forward in time (called a game tick) all players broadcasts their input to each other so clients can deterministically advance the game simulation.  The result is all players seeing and experiencing identical game simulations.

An example of a game that implement this method is Starcraft - a real-time strategy game (RTS). An RTS can simulate hundreds of units per player during a match each containing position, health, and various other state which would be much too large to practically send over the network.  The player count for these games will vary between 2-10 per game.

Benefits to deterministic lockstep include:

  1. Network bandwidth is very low.  Since clients literally only need to send input across the network, the total network bandwidth is negligible compared to the entire game state.
  2. Game states can be very large.  Since game states are all computed locally, they don't need to be transferred over the network.
  3. Game replays are trivial.  If inputs of each game tick are recorded, it is trivial to re-simulate the game by reapplying the inputs associated with each game tick.

Cons to deterministic lockstep include:

  1. Limited players.  Game ticks can't advance until inputs from each player is received - meaning any player in the game with a high latency connection will keep the rest of the players from advancing their local game simulations.  Each player must advance their game ticks together.  So in practice, the number of players per game really must be limited unless a good connection can be guaranteed (i.e. local network).
  2. Latency.  Input lag is measured as the time between when a key is pressed to when the screen updates reflecting the user's input.  Latency is an issue in every networked game, but techniques like client-side prediction can not be used to reduce the perception of latency.  However, clients can play audio or play animations to help provide immediate feedback to user input.
  3. Determinism complexity.  It is absolutely critical that the game simulation is deterministic.  This may be easier said that done.  This means handling random number generators appropriately and all floating point math adhere to strict floating point math (i.e. IEEE-754).  If two clients get out of sync due to a small round-off error, then the butterfly effect will take its toll and all bets are off.  Synchronization can be verified by having each client hash the game state and verify the hashes match on each game tick.

Client-Server Model (Authoritative Server)

Games with a large number of players and a reasonably sized game state can be implemented using the client-server model.  In this implementation, each client communicates with a single centralized server.  The client sends their input to the server each game tick and in return the server sends the entire game state.  Determinism is still a good idea here, but not a strict requirement like the previous architecture. The absence of player lockstep allows each player to experience the game based on their own latency connection.  Each player may or may not experience the same simulation, depending if client-side prediction is used.

Benefits of using a client-server model include:

  • The server is authoritative.  Since clients are not simulating their own local game state, hacks and cheats can be avoided.
  • Large player count.  A client-server model scales well with additional players.  Additionally, players with poor connections (high latency) will not affect other players.
  • Lower input latency.  If client-side prediction is implemented, the perception of network latency can be reduced.

Cons of using a client-server model include:

  • Bandwidth usage.  The bandwidth of sending the game state to each player scales linearly with the player count.  Unlike deterministic lockstep, where only player inputs are transferred over the network, each tick the server must send the game state to each player connected to the game.  Optimizations can be made to send only delta game states to each player, but this still doesn't scale well as the number of players increases.

Without Client-Side Prediction

Games that can tolerate a large amount of input lag do not require client-side prediction.  Inputs are simply sent to the server to advance the game simulation and round-trip-time later a game state arrives which can be rendered on the screen.  This is generally acceptable for games tolerant of slower reaction times or third-person control of a character.  An example of a game which implements a client-server model without client-side prediction is League of Legends.

With Client-side Prediction

Games which require minimal input lag should implement client-side prediction.  This is generally needed with game mechanics requiring quick reaction times or first-person camera views where the player needs to see immediate response from controller input.

With client-side prediction, the client is allowed to simulate ahead of the server before the authoritative game state is received.  The game state is authoritative because the server's simulation is truth regardless of what the client is predicting.  This is what prevents players from cheating.  When the game state finally arrives (round-trip time later), the client reverts back the authoritative game state and then re-applies the remaining player input to put the client back to the predicted time.  If everything goes well (i.e. the client is not cheating), the client will be simulated back to the exact position it predicted before the authoritative game state was applied.

Lag Compensation

Client-side prediction breaks the paradigm that the game state is coherent for each player.  Therefore each player is actually experiencing a different simulation, where the is player is ahead (in the future) of the server.  The rest of game state (other players, other entities, etc) are in the past.  This gets tricky when the player needs to interact with the other players in the game, which is where lag compensation comes in.

Lag compensation will attempt to reduce the time difference caused the player (in the future) and the other entities (in the past).  In general when two players interact with each other, the server must make a choice on how to resolve that interaction.  For example, if Player A shoots Player B (where in Player A's perspective has clear line of sight to Player B) and Player B (from their perspective) has activated a shield, the server must make a decision on who to favor.  Since each client has predicted ahead before receiving the authoritative game state indicating truth of the game state, they are therefore experiencing completely different views of the game at that moment in time.  They each think that their own simulations are truth and expect to have a favorable outcome - Player A expects to be rewarded with a head-shot, while Player B expects to be shielded from the shot.

If the server keeps a record of the past N game states, the server can reconstruct the exact state of the simulation from the perspective of each player at that moment in time.  The server will then see that from Player A's perspective they indeed did shoot Player B before Player B's shield was active.  It will also see that from Player B's perspective that their shield was active before the shot from Player A.  The server will need to favor one of the two players by either applying damage to or shielding damage from Player B.  Depending on the game mechanic at play the decision to favor the shooter or defender may vary.

A great video explaining both client-side prediction and lag compensation can be found in Overwatch's Developer Update | Let's Talk Netcode video.

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