
Sunday, February 16, 2020

A journey through game development and software engineering

I've never blogged before, so here it goes...

Hello, my name is Billy Brandstetter and this is my blog.  I'm actually a pretty underwhelming writer in the sense that I generally write sentences like I write code - short, elegant, to the point, no extra fluff what-so-ever.  These posts probably won't be interesting to anyone unless A) you are a software engineer or B) I become a better writer.

I intend this blog to be a vehicle to share my thoughts on general software engineering, game development and game engine programming.  I've been working as a professional software engineer for almost 15 years - the majority of it outside the game industry.  Many years ago I started a hobby project to build a game engine written mostly from scratch using C++, OpenGL, for Windows.  During this time I've learned a lot about software development - lessons learned, best practices and techniques which I'd like to share with anyone else who is interested in working on their own software projects.

There are several blogs out there full of great information.  Some of the best articles and write-ups regarding programming and software development I've found tucked away on blog as opposed to other publications.  These are absolute gems and I wouldn't have near the amount of knowledge I have today without them. I would also like to give back by providing my own expertise to individuals aspiring to get into the software world.

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